It's here! The first podcast from the Redlands City Wargamers is in ===============>
Redlands City Wargamers are a team of cheese-hungry gamers, whose interests range across the full spectrum of Games Workshop, and other awesome tabletop games. We put out this podcast to introduce ourselves to the world, and expose our seedy gaming pasts along with them (spoiler, there was no sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll, but a whole lot of Doritos). Today we chat about the burgeoning Age of Sigmar community in Brisbane, and how we've all come together in the wake of The End Times, and GW's new beginning.
Introducing the Redlands City Wargamers:
Major Tim, of Geek Control 2 Major Tim: He's a typical bearded git with an interviewer's wit, and the charisma of a bag of scandalously clad potatoes.
Evman: he's the local head honcho of Age of Sigmar this side of the Pacific Ocean, and is the master of subtlety... no, really. I mean we can't get this guy to raise his voice above a whisper, so listen closely.
Luke "The Filth" Tailor: what he lacks in morals, scruples, and basic human decency as a wargamer, he makes up for with his... umm... he has a very nice car.
Listen, and enjoy, my sexy fans :)
Also on Soundcloud:
Redlands City Wargamers are a team of cheese-hungry gamers, whose interests range across the full spectrum of Games Workshop, and other awesome tabletop games. We put out this podcast to introduce ourselves to the world, and expose our seedy gaming pasts along with them (spoiler, there was no sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll, but a whole lot of Doritos). Today we chat about the burgeoning Age of Sigmar community in Brisbane, and how we've all come together in the wake of The End Times, and GW's new beginning.
Introducing the Redlands City Wargamers:
Major Tim, of Geek Control 2 Major Tim: He's a typical bearded git with an interviewer's wit, and the charisma of a bag of scandalously clad potatoes.
Evman: he's the local head honcho of Age of Sigmar this side of the Pacific Ocean, and is the master of subtlety... no, really. I mean we can't get this guy to raise his voice above a whisper, so listen closely.
Luke "The Filth" Tailor: what he lacks in morals, scruples, and basic human decency as a wargamer, he makes up for with his... umm... he has a very nice car.
Listen, and enjoy, my sexy fans :)
Also on Soundcloud: